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Educational activity of the society within the area of the Forest District Świebodzin is carried on according to Forest Education Programme, prepared on the basis the Order No. 57 of the General Director of the State Forests, dated on May 9, 2003. Its aim is to popularize the knowledge about the forest environment, multifunctional forest management and increase of consciousness among the society regarding rational and proper use of all forest functions, as well as building up the social trust for professional activity of foresters.

Pursuing social educational activity, the Forest District Świebodzin uses many of its territories and nature objects, among which there are: the Łagów Landscape Park and Nature Reserves, such as: „Nad Jeziorem Trześniowskim", „Pawski Ług", „Pniewski Ług", „Dębowy Ostrów".

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The schedule of the retail sale in the Forest District

Monday:               7:00-9:00     the Forest Rangers Area Dolina, Chociule

Tuesday:              7:00-9:00     the Forest Rangers Area Bucze, Międzylesie, Toporów

Wednesday:         7:00-9:00     the Forest Rangers Area Jordanowo, Niedźwiedź, Ołobok

Thursday:             7:00-9:00     the Forest Rangers Area Lubrza, Staropole, Długoszyn

Friday:                  7:00-9:00     the Forest Rangers Area Łagów, Myszęcin, Krzeczkowo