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Areas of protected landscapes cover the areas, which are taken under protection, because of their outstanding, diversified landscape. They are very valuable due to touristic matters. They also perform a function of ecological corridors.

- "The Trough Paklica and Ołobok Rivers" 20533 ha large, aimed at protecting and preserving ecological tunnel and mosaic composition of landscape (forests, fields, lakes). Within the territorial reach of the forest district 67.7% of the area is located which takes 6613.60 ha of its lands.

- "The Forest by Pliszka River" 32244 ha large. Within the territorial reach of the forest district 7.4% of the total area is located. It covers 263.57 ha of the forest district.

-"Obrzyca and Obra Troughs" of 23375 ha in total cover 470.71 ha of forest district (5% of overall surface). The aim of its foundation is protecting and preserving ecological tunnels of Obra and Obrzyca troughs.

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Piknik rodzinny "DARY LASU"

Piknik rodzinny "DARY LASU"

Nadleśnictwo Świebodzin i Ośrodek Wypoczynkowy "Leśnik" w Łagowie wraz z partnerami zapraszają, już w najbliższą sobotę, od godz. 10:00, na jesienny piknik "Dary lasu". Impreza potrwa do 15:00.

W programie:
"Tajemnice lasu" - spacer z leśnikiem (10:00-12:00) - zbiórka przy fontannie pod "Leśnikiem"
12:00-15:00 "Leśne smaki jesieni" - degustacja
a także:
gry i kreatywne warsztaty, i zabawy w Leśnej Osadzie Nadleśnictwa Świebodzin oraz pokaz filmu "Łagowskie rezerwaty przyrody" (o 14:00).
Wydarzenie odbędzie się na terenie Ośrodka Wypoczynkowego "Leśnik" w Łagowie - ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 10, Łagów.