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Tourism and education
The task concerning forest education, realised or co-organised by the Forest District have got different forms. These are, among others, meetings with the foresters, lectures and talks in schools, workshops along the nature trails, such actions as: „Wiosna bez płomieni (Spring without flames)", „Czysty las (Clean Forest)", „Sprzątanie świata (Cleaning the World)", art contest called „Czym Bór Darzy", meetings of children and the youth in the seeding nursery in Ołobok.
Within the area of the Forest District Świebodzin, there were marked out the following nature trails:
- „NIESŁYSZ", located in the area of theForest Rangers Area Krzeczkowo by Niesłysz Lake, with 6 stops labelled with thematic boards;
- „ZŁOTY POTOK", located in the area of the Forest Rangers Area Ołobok by Złoty Potok Lake, with 8 stops labelled with thematic boards;
- „SOKOLA GÓRA",located in the area of the Forest Rangers Area Dolina, with nature and history trail;
- „NAD JEZIOREM TRZEŚNIOWSKIM I W REZ. BUCZYNA ŁAGOWSKA", located in the area of theForest Rangers Areas Dolina and Długoszyn;
- „PAWSKI ŁUG I NAD JEZIOREM ŁAGOWSKIM", located in the area of the Forest Rangers Area Łagów.
The trails are used here by the workers of the Forest Service of the Forest District. In the open air, they try to carry on the talks on nature and forest with the youth every year.
The Forest District published the following brochures:
- about the Forest District,
- about Net-cage Farm of the Hunting Game „ZAGÓRZE",
- about Vacation Centre „LEŚNIK" in Łagów,
- about Nature Prevention in the Forest District Świebodzin,
- with cooperation of ŁPK brochures about the nature reserves.Asset Publisher
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The areas of the Forest District Świebodzin, concerning hunting, belong to II Hunting Region. Within this area in 8 hunting districts, there manages 5 hunting associations and the Pedigree Breeding Establishment (OHZ). The hunting district 104 operates in the area of 9560 ha, including 5510 ha of the forests, while the hunting district 114 operates in the total area of 7280 ha, including 4345 ha of the forests.
The state of the hunting game within the area of the Forest District Świebodzin during the hunting period 2013/2014 presented as follows:
- 678h head of stags including 262 head of harts,
- 1941 head of deer including 696 head of cuckold,
- 1014 head of wild boars,
- 144 head of fallow deer including 57 head of harts.
Within the area of the Pedigree Breeding Establishment (OHZ) in the hunting district 114, there is a cold storage to keep hunted game, which is used by two hunting districts.
The Forest District Świebodzin, undertaking actions to the benefit of adverse tendencies in the quantity of European hares and grey partridges, in 2004, established the net – cage farms of hares within the area of the Pedigree Breeding Establishment (OHZ) of the State Forests. In 2005, there started the aviary breeding of grey partridges. The aim of the animal breeding is to breed appropriate number of European hares and grey partridges accustomed to live in natural conditions and to restore their species through their re – introduction in the areas of the proper site conditions for the above mentioned species.
In 2015, in the Forest District Świebodzin, there reopened the Closed Fallow Deer Breeding Farm. The aim of this undertaking is re - introduction and strengthening the gene pool of this species within the whole west belt of the country controlled by the State Forests.