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Forest USE

Forest use means usage of its resources – timber harvesting, forest ground cover harvesting, plants harvesting in whole or partly for pharmaceutical industry, obtaining young conifers, exploitation of minerals, but also significant participation of forests in restricting global warming effect. The foresters enable the society to use forest crops in a manner ensuring its continuity and sustainability.

The quantity of timber harvesting resulting from the structure of the forest stand, specified in cubic meters of large timber of raw material, in the Forest District equals about 111 700 cubic meters on average annually.

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The aim of protection is the maintenance of the forest lowland ecosystem with the habitats of rare plant and animal species.

- Łagów Beech

- By Trześniowskie Lake

- Pawski Ług

- Pniewski Ług

- Dębowy Ostrów


      Nature reserve "Buczyna Łagowska"
       Nature reserve "Pawski Ług"