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More important objects of the material culture, are located in the area of the Forest District Świebodzin:
Objects of the material culture
1. -- Bucze 340 a, outlook tower, so called . „Wieża Wilkanowska (Wlikanowska Tower)" built around the year 1880, there were attempts to register it as historical monument ;
2. - Myszęcin 314 f, the place of remembrance of the victims of the prison camp „BRATZ" (in the years 1941-1945);
3. - Valley 162 and, the commemorative plaque, the place of serious accident of the American Army helicopter during their traing at the military training area in Wędrzyn in 2001;
4. - Staropole 3 d, 4 and, 6 b, 8 k, 19 o, 22 c, 31 j, bunkers being the part of the Międzyrzecz Fortification Regionfrom the Second World War period;
5. - Lubrza 117 a, stone (obelisk) with the inscription „On the 50th anniversary of Hunting Association ‘Knieja' establishment".
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Nadleśnictwo Świebodzin, po dokonaniu inwentaryzacji danieli (Dama dama)
wyhodowanych na terenie Zagrodowej Hodowli Zwierzyny w Zagórzu, oraz
wykonaniu pierwszych odłowów danieli przeznaczonych do sprzedaży informuje, że
w sezonie łowieckim 2024/2025 dysponuje 45 osobnikami danieli do sprzedaży wg
zestawienia w załączniku.